Tuesday, January 5, 2010


Playoffs! Playoffs! Yes it's that time of year again. Eagles fans are very familiar with the 3rd season. You know how the team goes on a crazy run and then the NFC Championship Game comes up and well we all know how it ends. Well not this year. I believe! I believe! I believe!

Yeah the Wk 17 performance against Dallas SUCKED! It left me on the couch laughing. Not because the game was funny, but because I have watched this part of the movie before. Although I was hype all week, telling everyone how the Birds were going to slap the Cowboys, and how Tony Romo was going to return to his January form, in the back of my mind I was a little nervous. Actually when I got to my friends house, I told him "I have a bad feeling about today." Boy was I right.

But I also have another feeling. A good feeling. I feel like the Eagles will fly high this week on the road to victory! I feel like Dallas will come into the game thinking it's going to be the same story that was told in Wk 17. But they will be wrong. REAL WRONG! On my twitter page (twitter.com/jerv215) many people decided to gloat after that game. It's OK, TRUST ME! Eagles fans will have the last laugh!

Man I have to stop writing because I am starting to get hype and Saturday is so far away. But MARK MY WORDS, the Eagles will move on to play New Orleans! E-A-G-L-E-S EAGLES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh yeah I apologize to all my followers for the long break in my blogs. I'm back and 2010 will be a great year trust me!

1 comment:

  1. Playoff in this year I think will win EAGLES!!! This is the best team.
