Saturday, November 28, 2009

Just do it!

So reports are coming out that the Sixers may be interested in bringing back my foat...Favorite of all time! How great would that be. I would love to see Iverson rock the red white and blue jersey and bring some excitement back to the team. I mean the team isn't going anywhere regardless so why not bring him back? It's not like he will mess up this great chemistry that the team has. It's not like he will destroy our great record!

Here are the positives that come from bringing him back. First attendance. Yeah I went there! The team is averaging around the amount that attends a high school freshman basketball game, not a varsity game...a freshman game! So right away the first couple of games will be a sell out. Also they will have a guy that can score and create his own shot. I mean we have all watched A.I. play so I do not need to convince you that he can get his own shot. Iverson also demands respect on the court from the opposing team. You have to know where he is at on the court every second. And lastly he moves everyone down a notch. Iggy becomes a robin, along with Brand and Young. They no longer have to be the man on the team. And Lou Will becomes a 6th man and is not forced to be a starter.

Now I know you guys are waiting to hear what my negatives are, and you probably already know what they would be. However I will be a little brat right now and not get into that. I will not bash my foat anymore. I will convince myself that everything is all good and the team is doing the best thing. So if you don't like that, tough luck. Leave a comment stating your case and get thrashed as I change your mind!

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