Wednesday, October 14, 2009

What is Snyder thinking?

Dan the man is at it again. This guy never seems to amaze me. So your coach stinks and your plan is to go get the best coach money can buy?

When will you learn Dan? I mean you just done get it do you?

For those that do not know ESPN is reporting that the Redskins are interested in Jon Gruden as their new coach! WOW! COME ON MAN! Show some loyalty to your coach Dan. No matter of fact give up and allow someone to do your job. Just be rich and live your life.

Dan honestly to me you are one hell of a businessman but as a football owner you stink. I'm sorry I am from a place where we call a spade a spade so on that note I'll say it again you stink. It did not work when you signed Deion, nor Bruce Smith, nor J Trotter, nor Springs. Just stop. Please! You and the Redskins have honestly become the laughing stocks on the NFL.

Honestly Dan how about this, hire a new owner or if you still want to be involved with the team hire someone to make EVERY decision for you!

And as always these are just my thoughts!

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